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Friday 26 September 2014

Treasure (2)

A treasure in a restricted area,
Inside the area so well hidden,
Hidden I'm the only person condemned,
Condemned not to find it at all cost,
Really painful when that person is you,
Especially when you are dying in need,
And it's all will ever want and need,
You will look back and all you'll see is pain,
It will embrace you so hard you'll break,
You'll break to hard you won't heal,
To the point that when you think of healing,
You'll sound so pathetic you will realize,
That it's all illusions you can't push away,
And then all the illusions of healing,
Becomes a pressing burden,
A burden you would want to step out of,
Even if it's for a moment,
But deep down you know,
You are broken and that's all there is,
You are in pain and in it you will forever dwell.
You are changed and will never be the same.

Friday 19 September 2014


Have you ever seen someone,
And never lived a day without thinking about about...?

Have you ever met someone,
And thanked God from the first day?

Have you ever been with someone,
And wanted to spend to spend your enternity with...?

Have you ever heard someone speak,
And the voice never left your head?

Have you ever seen someone smile,
And you imagined hell when you imagined a world without...?

Have you ever heard someone laugh,
And you will do anything to hear the laugh again?

Have you ever loved someone,
And the... felt offended?

Have you ever...someone?
Questions only I can answer yes to all.


Tirelessly I work day and night,
Cleaning and scrubbing with all my might,
Trying yet not trying to rid my mind of the thief,
That stole my heart whole like a prof.

Tired and lonely I sob all day,
Hoping to my rescue she'll one day may,
She always plead in court not guilty,
And why does she think I'm the guilty?

Weak and tired my heart may appear,
Cold like rock and looks like not care,
But I'll tell you it's empty and that's just a hole,
For I told you it's stolen and devoured whole,

Now to my lovely thief and love,
Can you spread you wings and come from above?
Your poor victim wants nothing but favour,
To let me taste your heart just for the flavour.


Madmen are not only those that wear rags,
Or those that pick their food from a dumpster,
For a least they know when hungry,
And will never attempt taking their life.

The sick are not only those in bed,
Cos even when they are dying in parts,
And smelling the rottenness of their own skin,
They still want to live and hope to get better.

The dead are not only those in the grave,
Or the corpse that never had owners,
Left in the field as a feast for the bald birds,
At least they care to feed the birds and the sand.

The poor are not only the hungry ones,
That lives each at another's mercy,
For only food settles their need,
And soundly they sleep at night.